Own Your Japan

Buying a Home–Five Checkpoints for the Surrounding Area

What is the key to choosing a new house to buy in Japan without using an application agent?

Domestic and Foreign Real Estate Value Study Group2023/09/20

4: Surrounding Property and Buildings – Things to Check

Those who value views and sunlight should check the current status of adjacent properties (especially on the south side) and the possibility of reconstruction or expansion. If possible, find out not only what exists, but also what buildings may be constructed in the future, and whether there are any zoning or height restrictions in the area. If you are thinking of buying the property as an investment, this is a more important point to consider.

5: Public facilities in the area – points to check

Although it depends on the family structure and lifestyle, if there are children in the family, it is essential to check the educational environment, such as schools and classes, and public service facilities, such as parks, sports facilities, libraries and music halls. The availability of commercial facilities for shopping and leisure activities is also important.

(*This article has been translated into English using “DEEP L” and may be difficult to understand.)

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Domestic and Foreign Real Estate Value Study Group

Domestic and Foreign Real Estate Value Study Group

A group of professionals involved in urban development, real estate, and redevelopment. The group conducts field research mainly on real estate in Tokyo, but also monitors redevelopment projects in various parts of Japan. The group also includes members who are familiar with the situation in Asia, Europe, and the United States.
